I'm reopening my street team, The Commission

Due to the website move, I've had to put The Commission on hold!

But now, it's open again!

Go here to sign up.

Frequently asked questions

  1. What's a street team?
  2. Why should I join?
  3. What do I get?
  4. How do I leave the group? Should I unsubscribe?

What's a street team?

A street team is a group of people who want to help a production! In the past, they would go into the street to put up flyers. With the days of the internet, it's mostly done online.

Why should I join?

Most people who join a street team really love the project! But others are friends with the author, like being part of something bigger than themselves, or want to get free books and prizes. Some just love being behind the scenes, and getting information no one else has.

What do I get?

That depends on what you do!

Reviewers get free review copies. The Beta and Typo teams get to see the book - and help make it perfect - before its release. Promoters get new content for their blogs as they promote my books. Planners get to have input on new swag and venues. And Patrons help support me financially so I can get my work to everyone faster.

How do I leave the group? Should I use the unsubscribe link?

With this new email system, it's not possible to only unsubscribe from one group. So if you use the unsubscribe link, you'll be unsubscribed from EVERYTHING. I will not be able to contact you again.

Just reply to any of The Commission emails, or contact me through the website, and I'll remove you from the group. If you want to unsubscribe entirely, please use the unsubscribe link provided in every email.


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