Introduction to Bridges

A publication by the Merca Federal Union Tourism Council

The Independent Garden City-State of Bridges (aka "Bridges") is a domed city construct located near the center of the NorMercan continent. As part of the Merca Federal Union, Bridges is part of Merca's Inter-Dome System, and classified as a dead end (one with just one Aperture to enter or exit the dome).

The Cultural Correctness Committee officially classifies Bridges as a neo-Edwardian monarchy. However, its current culture is closer to an early mid-Victorian kleptocracy, comparable to the pre-Catastrophe Gilded Age.

Government System

Bridges has an elected Mayor (currently Mr. Siete Badugi). The Mayor serves for life.

The Mayor technically receives input from the Bridges City Council. However, governmental corruption is rife and the Mayor and City Council have little real power.

Visiting Bridges

Bridges is labeled a Class 3 (out of 5) city as relates to violence and possible threat of harm to tourists. You are advised by the Federal Safety Commission to guard your valuables while in the city, use only reputable tour guides, and not stray into the poorer areas of the city without escort.

Avoid giving offense, particularly to escorted women. Dueling is legal in Bridges, and the police will not assist you or your loved ones should you be injured or killed in a duel.

Visitors to Bridges should be familiar with The Four Families. These are four semi-legitimized crime syndicates which control the vast majority of the city. Interfering with Family members can bring swift retribution, usually fatal.

Police are corrupt, and bribery is common. The best advice we can give is to avoid entanglement in any legal matter while in Bridges.

Be advised that medical and dental care may deviate significantly from that of your city. Ensure you have plenty of medication with you and are examined by your personal healer before departing.

The use of alcohol, tobacco, and most recreational drugs are legal, with the exception of Party Time. Possession, use, or distribution of Party Time in Bridges is punishable by lengthy incarceration.

Prostitution - including child prostitution - is legal, but only in the area of the city known as the Pot. However, brothels are neither regulated nor inspected and this publication cannot recommend their use. Many prey upon tourists: theft, robbery, and assault are commonly reported.

Safeguard your children: child trafficking is rampant, and kidnappings for ransom are common.

Contact the Cultural Correctness Committee in your area if you have any questions about what tech level items you may bring into or remove from the city. Remember, cultural contamination isn't just a mistake, it's a crime!

Moving to Bridges

Outsiders are regarded with suspicion.

Bridges is labeled a Class 4 city as relates to violence and possible threat of harm to immigrants. Those wishing to emigrate are highly advised to hire legal counsel well-versed in Bridges law and/or personal guards. Reports of extortion, assault, and theft have been reported, particularly for those not being sponsored into the city by someone already affiliated with one of the Four Families.

If you should run into difficulty, please visit your city-state's Consulate at the Bridges Zeppelin Station for assistance.

See also:

A Short History of Bridges


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