Read more about The Jacq of Spades

The Jacq of Spades is the first chapter of the Red Dog Conspiracy.

This series centers a crime family, and is intended for adults.

Tropes and warnings


Ambiguously evil - Anti-hero - Arranged marriage - Broken bird - Closed circle - Cool Airship - Crapsack world - Culture clash - Dark and troubled past - Deliberate values dissonance - Determined widow - Driven to suicide - Domed hometown - Fish out of water - Flashback echo - Flashback nightmares - Gentleman adventurer - Gilded cage - Gorgeous period dress - Gray vs Gray morality - High-functioning alcoholic - Hardboiled private detective (genderflipped) - I am your father - Impossibly low neckline - Kicking ass in all her finery - Living a double life - Love dodecahedron - The Mafia - Minor crime reveals major plot - Police are useless - PTSD - Secret-keeper - Spirited young lady - Stockholm Syndrome - Survivor guilt - Those magnificent flying machines - Villain in a white suit




Child abduction - Child abuse (implied) - Deceit - Domestic violence - Emotional infidelity - Gore - Gun suicide - Gun violence - Language - On-screen death - Opium use - Sexual situations (fade to black) - Substance abuse (tobacco, alcohol, drugs) - Suspense - Terror


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